Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Big Basin and West Texas

April 9, 2012

San Antonio day 2   
Went to my Aunts apartment Sunday morning and took her to her daughters, my cousin for lunch. We weren’t sure when we last were together but we know it had been a looong time. It was a really good visit and I believe it’s likely my cousin and I have some similar traits which isn’t a stretch of ones imagination.

Monday is play tourist day but started a lot like at home. I slept in a bit, ahhh retirement, then took a 4 mile bikeride on the Salado Creek Greenway trail whose path was less than 100 feet from my campsite, nice unexpected bene. A bit of fate there, however the trail had these things called HILLS and had one near the end of the ride that was about 200 yards of moderate uphill. I managed to stay in the seat and get to the top but just before I got there my lungs came to the realization that something wasn’t quite right and started screaming WTF!! We do more distance than this at home and feel fine!

Welcome to hills, boys.

So then I got on the city bus, way outside my normal comfort zone, and headed for the Alamo and River Walk. And if you’re a tourist there just ain’t no way not to look like one if you’re wandering around downtown reading street signs and taking pictures so I was one of many today. I posted some photos under the album name SanAntonio. I really enjoyed the downtown area. Brian……….they have a German Deli with Spaten on tap, regular and Optimator. I also found LoneStar and Shiner Bock on tap. Another plus for the city bus…..designated driver.

April 11, 2012

Big Bend Nat’l Park
Yesterday was a long drive to get here, over 400 miles. I saw at least a dozen Border Patrol SUV’s and went through one of their immigration check points with Guns and Dogs just west of Del Rio, TX which is right at the Mexican border. The Border Patrol checks the dirt roads that are on either side of US90 and if you look at where US90 runs you’ll understand why. They drag groups of old truck tires, that are chained together, over these dirt roads to make it easy to spot fresh footprints.

I had a trailer tire blow about 20 miles north of the Park entrance which is about as middle of frickin nowhere as you want to be. It wasn’t the tire I expected to go and I still have significant vibration from 40 to 55 mph that I need to cure. I’m going to change the tire I expected to blow and see what goes.

The photos I’m posting show how my trailer barely fits on the campsite and this wasn’t my reserved site since I couldn’t fit on it. A couple who are hosts worked with me to get this site and it took some jockeying to make it fit.

Sundown in this basin is quite beautiful with the colors changing in the rocks, a magnificent example of Earths beauty. Then it got dark and we feasted on the beauty and the majesty of the Universe. Hopefully tonite offers a repeat performance. It turns out the Lounge at the Chisos Basin Lodge has free wifi and cold beer, a great combo that will allow me to post this and see if El Paso has a Discount Tire. 

Only hiked about 4 miles near the campground with no wow scenery. The hike planned for tomorrow should supply some good photos if the light cooperates.

I've posted 2 new albums in Picasa, San Antonio and Big Basin Post. They are here

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