Friday, April 27, 2012

Petrified Forest and Meteor Crater

  April 24

Linda and I are spending 2 nights at Homolovi Ruins State Park just a few miles outside of Winslow, Arizona. We came here today after 3 days in Phoenix. While we’re here we are going to the Petrified Forest National Park and Meteor Crater.

The 3 days in Phoenix went by to fast, we visited with some old friends and the visits were very special memories of our trip. Both of my old colleagues helped me be successful in my business career and in the process we created some lifelong memories and friendships.  It was such a treat to see you folks. On Monday we did a day trip up to Flagstaff for a visit to Lava River Cave a little north of Flagstaff. It’s an undeveloped lava tube that runs almost a mile and has quite a bit of climbing over rocks both in the tube and as you descend . It took us both a lot of time to get down about a third of the tube and at that point we decided to not press our luck and we turned around. We got out without twisting an ankle or doing some other damage to ourselves and we had a great experience as well. It was one of those situations where you know you’re getting older and it sucks.

These ruins we are camping by were occupied in the 1200 and 1300’s by a group who were part of the Hopi tribe and that makes these scared grounds for the Hopi. The wind here is hard to imagine, it blows very hard at certain times of the day.  We were awoken sometime in the early morning by more than one coyote howling and barking with or at each other. They can wake us up anytime.

April 25

We went to Petrified Forest National Park, #41 and Meteor Crater today. I’ve posted some new photos of each. The Painted Desert is also part of the National Park. We both enjoyed Meteor Crater more, they have an impressive visitor center and we went on a mile walk along the rim with a guide and group and that was great and informative. It was one of those places we’ve both wanted to see.

After that we spent some time “Standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona” and the sunset was "such a fine site to see" and on top of that we were on THE  Route 66.  Wonder how many of you will recognize the picture of the Wigwam Motel.

April 26

On the road again.  Today I passed the 4000 mile mark in the trip. Time to slow the pace way down. Drove through the Navajo Nation today in NE Arizona through high wind and some rain, my first of the trip that I’ve had to drive in. We have opted for a hotel tonight in order to do some laundry, have wifi and get an early start to our next campground in the Needles District of Canyonlands Nat’l Park. We will spend the next 2 weeks in Utah and I will be terribly disappointed if I don’t come out of this area with some kickass photos. No pressure mon.

I don’t know what to expect in online access for awhile. Thanks for the responses it helps keep a bit of the “at home” feeling and I can sure use it. 

See new photos at 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Gila Wilderness area and Saguaro National Park

Day 3 at the Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument. It’s been a tough day so I decided that since I was going to run the generator to charge batteries that I would take advantage of the opportunity, a.k.a excuse, and fire up the blender since the ice wouldn’t last through the night. So I’m working on cup #1 of frozen Margaritas no salt and the remainder of the blender is chilling in the frig waiting for me, myself and I. The photo is my view from my campsite as I type this.  But I’ll backup a bit.

The trip getting here was short in terms of miles, less than 250, but the roads and geography of the land  made travel slow and so it was a long day but the scenery in this area is as close to perfect/nirvana as I’ve ever seen.  I’m in a National Forest campground along the Gila River about 4 miles south of the Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument. There’s an upper and lower level and I’m camping in the upper overlooking the river and listening to the small rapids just below me.  I am the only camper in the entire campground and have been since Monday, I hope it stays that way. This is exactly how I pictured this area and it is exactly the type of place my journey is about. This place will have you thinking you died and went to heaven. This area is within the Gila Wilderness Area and it is big and a backpackers dream. I met a couple today that brought their horses here for a 10 day stay where they can do day rides or overnight pack rides into the backcountry. There are corrals on the NM site for them to use. That would be a neat way to see the area. Its beauty and remoteness is so special I decided to spend an extra day. Time for cup #2…..don’t mind if I do.

The people who lived in these cliff dwellings only stayed about 25 years, from 1276 to 1300. We do not know why they left so soon though there was a drought going on. The caves have been used over many more years though as the soot buildup indicates showing that peoples have traveled through this area over a long period of time.

My knee is improving but slowly. I had to abandon some plans of longer hikes here but if there was anywhere just sitting is ok it’s here watching the light change on the rocks or the birds soaring on the updrafts off the rocks. For me it just doesn’t get much better than this, what a cool place. Oh did I mention? It was 27 degrees Tuesday morning and this morning it was a low of 29, the mattress heater is like Caviar in this situation. I bundle up and I stay warm and sleep. The batteries and inverter allow me to be comfortable in a remote area like this. The techie in me is tickled with the solar panel. I had hoped the clear skies and bright southwest sun would work well and has it. It has easily extended the number of days I could be comfortable with virtually no services.

  And when the sun starts setting you better change into warmer clothes because the temps will drop frickin fast. I’m pausing typing to go change out of shorts. It gets up to the low 80’s and it’s very dry air but it will be 50 shortly after dark.  The stars are just phenomenal, one of my photos is a 5 minute time exposure and what the camera saw versus the eye is amazing, at least 4 times more stars picked up via the camera. And if someone has a better theory correct me but look at the far right of the photo and notice the streaking effect of the stars in that area then look to your left and watch as the streaking becomes less and less. I purpose that the left side of the photo was close to the northern axis that the earth rotates on therefore the stars in that area appear motionless.  I’ll watch again tonight since the skies are as clear as it gets. I’d like to catch a meteorite in a photo.  I’m/we’re going to be in some of the darkest skies in the US in the next few months so I’ll have a number of opportunities. I could park my butt right here for a long time. I spoke with one of the park volunteers and they get a full hookup campsite and work a limited number of days. A good way to have time to explore an area.  It will be hard to leave here. I need to cook, how does steamed spiced shrimp sound?

I’ll leave here Friday and plan to head for a KOA east of  Tucson so I can get free wifi in the camper……damn technology! Catch a new National Park for me and then head for Phoenix early Saturday and pickup Linda at the airport.

I hope to experience many more extraordinary places in my DreamTrip and share them with you. I hope you enjoy the photos; this is the kind of stuff I like. Time for cup #3!!! Hell, did you think I’d let it melt?

Just about star time….bye.

Well it's now Saturday morning and I'm in the KOA and can't seem to get everything done and get on the road to Phoenix. Linda flies in around 3pm to start her hard time.....I mean vacation. I wanted to add some captions to the photos but I fell asleep at the keyboard last night. I did add a new National Park to my visited list, now at 40. I went to Saguaro National Park just east of Tucson. I posted new photos for there and the Gila Wilderness. See them at 

Gotta run, thanks for the posts and comments.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

White Sands National Monument

April 14, 2012

I’m just outside of Alamogordo, New Mexico in a State Park and it was quite a journey getting here. The guys at the Discount Tire in El Paso were great. Short story is 1 blown trailer tire and 1 trailer tire with separated treads and the Big Taco was a rear truck tire had separated treads. 3 new tires and my vibration is gone and my trailer spares are restored.  A special thank you to a dear friend who gave me a Saint Christopher medallion for the trip, it’s working.

My last day in Big Bend I hiked the Lost Mine Trail, 2.5 miles up and 2.5 miles back down and it’s 1100 feet of up and down. The view from the end of the trail was worth the effort. I’m assuming I have corrected the access to photos so you’ll be able to see the amazing rocks.  My left knee is complaining loudly after the 1100 feet up and down.
Between it and mother nature I was calling a rest day for the knee but White Sands closes the dunes in high winds and it’s been gusting up to 50mph and I wokeup this morning to a dust storm to go with the wind. I hope White sands is open tomorrow.  The posted weather for the Park called for a low tonight in the 30’s. It’s 51 outside and 55 in the camper right now,10pm, and the wind is still blowing. I went and put my thermal undies on, they are working nicely. So today I went grocery shopping and washed clothes at a laundry mat. I also got some parts from Home Depot and braced the broken bracket on our bike rack. It seems quite strong. Good thing I brought my drill along.  The day after tomorrow I’m heading for the Gila Cliff Dwellings in southwest New Mexico. It’s way out and I expect no modern day services but I’m looking forward to its remoteness. There are also some hot springs ready to help an aching knee.    

I made to White Sands today and it's neat. Had a low of 43 last night and the heaters in the mattress kept my butt warm. Heading for Gila Cliff Dwellings tomorrow. I think the new photos are now visible, sorry for the user errors, I'm a rookie who will never make to the majors of blogging. Frankly I wouldn't want to as this is becoming a bit of a chore. hopefully I get better and more efficient. Try them here.                   

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Big Basin and West Texas

April 9, 2012

San Antonio day 2   
Went to my Aunts apartment Sunday morning and took her to her daughters, my cousin for lunch. We weren’t sure when we last were together but we know it had been a looong time. It was a really good visit and I believe it’s likely my cousin and I have some similar traits which isn’t a stretch of ones imagination.

Monday is play tourist day but started a lot like at home. I slept in a bit, ahhh retirement, then took a 4 mile bikeride on the Salado Creek Greenway trail whose path was less than 100 feet from my campsite, nice unexpected bene. A bit of fate there, however the trail had these things called HILLS and had one near the end of the ride that was about 200 yards of moderate uphill. I managed to stay in the seat and get to the top but just before I got there my lungs came to the realization that something wasn’t quite right and started screaming WTF!! We do more distance than this at home and feel fine!

Welcome to hills, boys.

So then I got on the city bus, way outside my normal comfort zone, and headed for the Alamo and River Walk. And if you’re a tourist there just ain’t no way not to look like one if you’re wandering around downtown reading street signs and taking pictures so I was one of many today. I posted some photos under the album name SanAntonio. I really enjoyed the downtown area. Brian……….they have a German Deli with Spaten on tap, regular and Optimator. I also found LoneStar and Shiner Bock on tap. Another plus for the city bus…..designated driver.

April 11, 2012

Big Bend Nat’l Park
Yesterday was a long drive to get here, over 400 miles. I saw at least a dozen Border Patrol SUV’s and went through one of their immigration check points with Guns and Dogs just west of Del Rio, TX which is right at the Mexican border. The Border Patrol checks the dirt roads that are on either side of US90 and if you look at where US90 runs you’ll understand why. They drag groups of old truck tires, that are chained together, over these dirt roads to make it easy to spot fresh footprints.

I had a trailer tire blow about 20 miles north of the Park entrance which is about as middle of frickin nowhere as you want to be. It wasn’t the tire I expected to go and I still have significant vibration from 40 to 55 mph that I need to cure. I’m going to change the tire I expected to blow and see what goes.

The photos I’m posting show how my trailer barely fits on the campsite and this wasn’t my reserved site since I couldn’t fit on it. A couple who are hosts worked with me to get this site and it took some jockeying to make it fit.

Sundown in this basin is quite beautiful with the colors changing in the rocks, a magnificent example of Earths beauty. Then it got dark and we feasted on the beauty and the majesty of the Universe. Hopefully tonite offers a repeat performance. It turns out the Lounge at the Chisos Basin Lodge has free wifi and cold beer, a great combo that will allow me to post this and see if El Paso has a Discount Tire. 

Only hiked about 4 miles near the campground with no wow scenery. The hike planned for tomorrow should supply some good photos if the light cooperates.

I've posted 2 new albums in Picasa, San Antonio and Big Basin Post. They are here

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Beginning - who left that gate open?

April 8 San Antonio

I left Jacksonville late on Thursday the 5th and after a quick night stop at a Tallahassee Wal-Mart and a visit with my daughter and her boyfriend James then another full night at a Crowley, LA Wal-Mart sleeping on the new foam mattress on the Futon and  I’m in San Antonio and so Dave’s Dreaming of the Trip has evolved to Dave’s now living the Dream Trip 2012.  The Gate was open and I have escaped the expected. I can now attempt to live life a different way for an extended period of time. This dream has its roots in about 1976 when a friend of mine agreed to do a month long camping trip to the west coast. But then he went and fell in love and got married and the trip became just a dream.

A few years later it was my turn to fall in love and get married and in the process broke up a great backpacking / canoeing team.  Fast forward 36 years and I’ve just awaken from the dreaming to the living of the trip. So this post is a thank you to my wife and close friends who have put up with my talk of my dream for a long time. The biggest thank you is to my wife for her support and understanding of my need to do this trip.  I’m confident she understands how important this trip is to me. It’s a major item on my Bucket list and I hope it proves to be as important to her by the time we’re done. Can you have a mid-life crisis that’s been in the planning for over 20 years? I'd rather think of this trip as an excellent result of a long term plan.

My dream has changed some over many years but essentially it has always been a tour of the west theme focusing on the outdoors via National Parks, National Monuments and National Forests.  I enjoy photography and intend to make it a big part of the trip so expect lots of photos.

I’m visiting some family while in San Antonio and I’m playing tourist at the typical places, the Alamo and River Walk and I'll post some photos from there later. So I've logged a 1000 miles of what I expect to be 15000 + by the time I'm back home. I've been noticing very few RV's on I-10 going either way. I'm used to seeing quite a few in Florida but the amount out here gives me the impression it's a reflection of the economy and price of gas. Speaking of gas I paid prices ranging from  $3.69 to $3.99 today and most populated areas were cheaper than Florida. For any fellow trailer haulers I managed to get a daily average of 11 mpg yesterday by setting the cruise on 64 and today I got 12 mpg due to the slower speeds thru Houston. Small numbers but that little bit is a big deal. I'm also fortunate that my trailer tires took the high speed for extended periods of time. It helps to keep the speed at 65 or less since ST tires are only rated to 65 mph.

Next stop is Big Bend National Park via Route 90 to west Texas and saying no to
I-10. Then camping in the Chisos Mountains where it should be cool at night, 30's to 40's. I’m expecting some great scenery with modest hiking but this will be the first test to see how my hiking is. I’ve rode about 900 miles in the past year on my bicycle in part to prepare for this trip. I would like to think I may reach hiking 200 miles by the time this trip is over. I may also get lucky with some wifi access in one of the Parks Lodges.

Click on “Follow” near the top of the page to the left if you want to follow my adventures.

The slogan of the trip is courtesy my high school buddy who lives on the Big Island of Hawaii. He sent me a Bday card with a picture of a Dog running wild and free in a field with the saying “Celebrate like someone forgot to lock the Gate”.  I opened the Gate on Thursday and have been running free since.The name of my trip is credited to an old friend who lives in New Port Richey, Florida when he asked me one day last year when was I going to take my Dream Trip.