Sunday, February 26, 2012

Well my visit to Alexander Springs was nice but a little wet and warm for January. The camper checked out and everything worked but my deep cycle battery capacity seemed a bit low and will need looked at. The campground was nearly empty so it was nice and peaceful. I spent some time using my Amateur Radio gear and spoke to several folks out West. I put a horizontal wire antenna up in the trees but that is time consuming and at times difficult. I've since rigged up a vertical style antenna that is attached to the awning supports on the camper and from now on it will be my main Ham antenna with the wire as a backup. This new setup goes up quicker and will be more practical for my long trip. Linda is working on a cover for a new foam cushion we purchased to replace the junk cushion that came with a Futon that is in the camper and I expect to work on a better back support for it before leaving on our long trip. I've also installed a new CD/AM/FM unit in the camper and rigged up power and an antenna for my Sirius satellite radio along with some new outdoor speakers. I'll have to be sure not to Rock my fellow campers too much.

As usual the Springs looked quite nice but not inviting enough for a swim in January.
I didn't see much wildlife but on my final morning I did find evidence of a visitor in my campsite the night before and it may have been a black bear based on the Scat that was about 20 feet from the door.  I've posted some additional photos of Alexander Springs on my Picasa site at

I'm continuing to prepare myself and the camper for the "DreamTrip" with an expected departure date in early April. The itinerary has continued to evolve and now has me gone for about 135 days. The rising price of gas may ultimately decide how long the trip will be. I will be alone for about 40% of the trip, much less than I had anticipated. I think once my wife looked at my purposed trip she realized there are a whole lot of great places on the list and she has decided to join me for 2 stretches of about 40 days each. I will have to contend with the effects of Winter in many of the places I plan to visit. Depending upon the winter snow levels many places have not fully opened their facilities until June or July so I'm hoping the low snow amounts out West continue. We also realize it will be cool in many locations and are preparing as best we can for that. Finding Thermal underwear to buy in Florida isn't easy!

 The Internet reservation systems for camping continue to ruin the spontaneity of camping. I've had to make advance reservations at many of the popular National Parks on my list and pay the entire cost up front. It also puts pressure on maintaining the trip schedule which over 4 months can be a problem.